Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I'm in a funk. No other way to describe it. The end of summer is coming. School is almost ready to begin for my Pipsqueak in a few short weeks, and I am still w/out a teaching job.

The state I live in is tight for teaching jobs and if my family wasn't here- I think I'm to the point that I'm ready to move for a job. I did it before. However, that was before Pipsqueak and now that we've moved back- I don't foresee moving again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm doing okay as a f/t substitute, but it's not the same as having your own classroom. I miss that a lot and wish someone would retire so I could be hired. Then again- we need the money in the school budget to hire someone and the rate our governor is going that may never happen.

Guess it's time to stop feeling sorry for myself and look forward to the wedding I'm going to in August- though I can't find any clothes to wear to the wedding.

Ah well, hopefully, I'll be out of this funk soon.

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