Thursday, November 29, 2007

Still Sick

I'm still sick, but doing a bit better. Antibiotics seem to be working and for that I'm glad.

I have a job lined up tomorrow that I won't cancel no matter what and hope the next three weeks before Christmas bring me a lot of work days.

My Pipsqueak is home with a fever today- but after a bit of tylenol, seems good to go. She'll be back at school tomorrow.

I keep hoping things will get better and stuff will "fall into place", but that never seems to happen. Maybe, just maybe, it can for once.

To paraphrase Tevia* "Would it ruin some immortial plan if I were a wealthy person?" Heck, I'd take "Would it ruin some immortial plan if I had a full time job?"

*From Fiddler on the Roof

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

I am totally feeling your pain. I am headed to the doc this afternoon for a nice cocktail shot and antibiotics.

Yes it is ridiculous about the British teacher. And people say the Muslim faith is peaceful, HA!
