Thursday, March 27, 2008


These "parents" let their daughter 11 year old daughter die of diabetes because they wanted to pray instead of giving her insulin.

Faith is one thing. Stupidity is another. For whatever you may believe- God, Allah, The Creator- made people smart enough to become doctors and scientists to create medications for illnesses such as this. Faith with treatment. Not Faith AS treatment. Not in the case of diabetes.

I can't even imagine watching as my child suffered in such a death. Parents should protect their kids. Not kill them.

I hope these folks are charged with involuntary manslaughter. There is absolutely no reason to allow anyone- let alone their 11 year old die such a horrible death.

My younger sibling has Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes. He's had to give shots since age 3. Not once, did my folks say- oh let's not give the insulin and see what happens. They knew what would happen. He would die. Slowly and painfully.

This, to me, is just unf*ckingbelievable. Insulin is readily and easily available. To know that this poor girl lay in a coma for who knows how long and was allowed to die that way- it's just awful.

Even better- the "parents" aren't the ones who called 911- it was friends of the family who had the sense to call when they realized the girl wasn't breathing. Even the aunt who lived in another state called police to report the girl was in a coma and needed help.



RamblingMother said...

You are right. Apparently the parents are claiming they didn't know she had diabetes. How long does it take to find out and could it be possible that they really didn't know?

Wendy said...

I believe that God has helped doctors, scientists figure out treatments and medications to help us. It is a shame the family did not want to take advantage of one of God's gifts to us--life-saving medicine.

Wendy from Flippin' Sweet