Friday, October 5, 2007

In the Classroom

Things I never thought I'd hear myself say. Ever. (In the elementary classroom)

1. Math manipulatives don't go up your nose!

2. If you hadn't put the rubber band around your head, we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

3. Why, why did you put your head through your desk? (In which the boy proceeded to get stuck and have to be gently tugged out.... it was an old-fashioned desk btw)

4. Do you stand on the toilet seat at home?

5. Get the crayon out of your ear!

6. You are not a dog. Please stop chewing on your pencil, shirt, paper, etc

7. Child: "She called me the K word." Me: "What's the K word?" Child: "Krazy!" Me: "Oh"

8. Why did you lick his shoe?