Saturday, May 3, 2008


I rarely discuss politics with anyone. I find that I don't enjoy the eventual hurt feelings and disbelief that seem to come from both sides when folks "debate" opposite candidates.

A lot of shouting has been heard recently about the Democratic Superdelegates giving Clinton the nomitation even if Obama wins popular vote. Me, I'm fine with that if it happens. What? Some may say. How can you be okay with that? Well, there are a couple of reasons.

First, anyone remember Al Gore? Yup. The man won the popular vote for President, but not enough in the electorial college. Ooops. I voted for Gore. I was one of the voters who was ignored.

Secondly, I don't want McCain in the White House. Excuse me if I think that our current economic condition and the war in Iraq are reasons to vote for something a bit new.

I think if the superdelegates hand the nomination to Clinton, they do so because they feel that she can win the White House. Not because of some 'race baiting' that folks see in this campaign.

I have seen many problems with Obama as well. Things that he has said about folks in my part of the country, not seeming to care that he's no longer mixed race in this election process, playing campaign ads that make it seem like he's not "in" with the oil companies. It is against the law for candidates to take any money from oil companies. However, both camps have taken contributions from folks in the oil industry.

When my vote is counted, it will be for the person who I think has the experience and background to get things done. A person who doesn't support the current No Child Left Behind laws, someone who supports a woman's choice over what happens to her body, a person who has played hardball in Washington before- as a senator and a first lady. Yup. I'm in the Clinton camp.

I only hope she gets a chance to prove that she can change things for the better in this country. That we aren't left with McCain in office, or floundering with someone who is marvelous at speaking, but has no idea on how to get things accomplished.

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

personally I don't like any of them. I would vote for which ever one is truly pro-life. that is my main concern!!