Sunday, May 11, 2008

What a Sunday/Mother's Day

I've discovered an interesting way to loose weight before the summer fully hits us. The steps are listed below for those who want to read them. I've lost 5 pounds in 3 days thus far.

1. Get a deep tissue massage on Wednesday.
2. Wake up on Thursday with flu like soreness and symptoms.
3. Decide you're too nausious to really eat on Thursday, so you lay around most of the day sleeping.
4. Wake up Friday feeling a bit better. Try a touch of egg drop soup. Realize anything that goes in comes out rather quickly. In a not so pleasant way.
5. Decide eating isn't worth the outcome (literally) and stick to water and bouillon.
6. Wake up hungry on Saturday. Think the worst of the stomach issues are over. Drink a lot of water.
7. Continue feeling good. Try bouillon. Success! Decide you can now try "real" food.
8. Try "real" food. Two bites or three bites of boiled chicken fill you up and you decide goldfish crackers are great.
9. Have a pretty nice day. Eat a goldfish cracker here or there. Some more egg drop soup.
10. Think the worst of it's over. Head to bed.
11. Wake up at 3:30 a.m. remain in bathroom until 4:30 a.m. due to stomach doing loopty loops.
12. Again decide eating isn't worth it.
13. Go back to bed.
14. Wake up.
15. Have child wish you a Happy Mother's Day with a homemade card.
16. Hug child.
17. Head to kitchen to find rice and bouillon.
18. Bribe somebody to go buy a sports drink.
19. Lay down on couch with small child- not even caring that said child is watching SpongeBob Stupid Pants.
20. Hopefully end cycle on Sunday as the week begins again on Monday.

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

Hope you are feeling better and that it really wasn't a result of the massage!!
